Community Engagement & Health Promotion

The Community Engagement & Health Promotion Team works with individuals and groups to promote good health and general well-being in the community. We provide education, advocacy, programs, activities, and community initiatives to support behaviour change and healthy communities.

Does your community group have a great program or idea you would like to work with us on? Contact us - just ask for the Health Promotion or Community Development team!

Contact Us:
Call: 519-986-2222 Ext 6376


Health Promotion is “the process of enabling (or helping) people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.” (Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, 1986)
Community Development is a process in which the individuals and groups, in a community, work together with a common goal which community members themselves have identified. In this case, we work toward health & wellbeing in the community, which includes addressing the determinants of health.

There is more to being healthy then what you may think! To learn about the factors that contribute to our health, take a look at this video: