Foot Care

A Chiropodist is an allied health care professional practising podiatric medicine. Our chiropodist assesses, manages and carries out treatment for various foot aliments.

The foot care team of the CHC consists of a Chiropodist and a Foot Care Nurse. The service is provided to people who are at a higher risk of foot complications such as people with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and immune-compromised.

Client Eligibility Criteria –

  1. All clients must be a resident of the catchment area.
  2. A referral from you primary care provider is required.
  3. All clients must demonstrate barriers to Chiropody services elsewhere. Service is provided to clients with NO extended health insurance or other insurance to cover Chiropody.
  4. All referrals and higher risk patients will be assessed by the Chiropodist. Routine care patients may be booked with the Foot Care Nurse.

There is an extended wait list for the service, 4-6 months. The wait list varies depending on the demand for the service. A Primary Care Provider referral is required.