VON Bereavement & Grief Support
The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) offers bereavement support services that provide information, skills, knowledge and coping strategies to help you through your grieving process.
The South East Grey Community Health Centre is happy to provide space for VON to offer their various support programs to community members throughout the year.
To learn more about the VON, their programs & services, please visit von.ca. To stay up-to-date on VON Grey Bruce programs and services, visit their Facebook page: VON Grey Bruce
To register for upcoming sessions please contact:
Call: 519-376-5895 Ext 2
Email: ingrid.bell@von.ca or amanda.tetzlaff@von.ca
Current Programs
Mindfulness & Greif
An 8-week Zoom webinar series that follows the book "Mindfulness & Greif" by Heather Stang. Each week participants will be introduced to a new theme that includes supportive meditation and journaling exercises to incorporate mindfulness into their routine and use it as a tool to cope with greif.
The webinar is free, pre-registration is required.
Begins: May 14th, 2024 from 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Bereavement Support Groups
An 8-week closed group that provides a supportive and compassionate atmosphere for listening and sharing. Facilitators and group members attend all 8 sessions, allowing for a greater level of comfort in discussing relevant topics. Participants can expect to receive support through education and connection with other group members.
Offered in Owen Sound, Hanover, & Markdale (SEGCHC)
May 2024
Contact the VON to register or to learn more.