2S-LGBTQQIAP+ Connection

Join us once a month for 2S-LGBTQQIAP+ Connection! 

This group welcomes two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and all other sexual orientations and genders as well as their families, friends and allies!

Drop-in to connect with like minded people, share your lived experiences, or learn about community resources or services in this relaxed social environment. 

Contact us to learn more:
Call: 519-986-2222 Ext 6376
Email: programs@segchc.ca

Current Hours

 This program is held once a Month, typically the last Wednesday of the month from 11:30am - 12:30pm.

Please visit the program calendar on our website for info on the next meeting. 

Located at SEGCHC Markdale - 55 Victoria Avenue, in the Well
(Entrance on corner of Queen St/Victoria Ave)


Other Resources, Services, & Programs

 Looking for other 2S-LGBTQQIAP+ resources, services, or programs?

Visit the links below to learn more: